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Rough translation by http://www.contergannetzwerk.de/conterganstiftung/wahlen.html#

Thanks for translation to Gavin Bamber



Presentation and program for the Board of Trustees Election 2014 by Christian Stürmer







         Christian Stürmer

My name is Christian Stürmer, I'm 53 years old, a lawyer and difficult thalidomide damaged.
Here is my email address if you / you have questions: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

In the last 5 years I was involved in the Board of Trustees of the Thalidomide Foundation for the interests of the injured party as deputy representatives of affected persons.

I am also Chairman of thalidomide Network Germany eV since its inception.

What has been achieved with me so far?
Since 2008, the thalidomide Network Germany eV has established connections in the CDU Baden-Württemberg, which we got with this help to always höherrangigeren politicians contacts. So it gave us even a week-long bus trip into politics to Berlin with about 50 people. After we then visited the deputies and state chairman of the CDU Baden-Württemberg, Thomas Strobl in the Bundestag, this has immediately sought talks with other top politicians and enforced on 31.01.2013 at the Chancellor that a grant of 120 million euros annually to More Services for us thalidomide victim was on the agenda of the evening of the same day together come coalition Committee - see links at the bottom.! Without the power increase on this scale would not have been possible. Furthermore, I was in the Bundestag in the public hearing and in technical discussions expert.

What I want to achieve for thalidomide victims?

Recognition of the damage caused (as a function of restrictions in terms of the ICF) and late effects, especially the pain, all by global Mehrbepunktung, acc. the recommendations of the University of Heidelberg;

Explanation: The recommendations of the University of Heidelberg have not been fully implemented, but what we need to encourage increased. So consequential damages have to lead to Mehrbepunktungen even as called for in the recommendations under which the modern disability standards of the ICF of the WHO in particular that place even greater participation aspects into account. The late damage, the extent unbearable pain of thalidomide victims, must also lead to a flat Mehrbepunktung. During the construction of the points table, it was assumed that the thalidomide victims do not live long, so all these later-occurring aspects were ignored. This must be completed!


Increase the damage at the assistant needy (regarding, inter alia veins / arteries.) (Especially the hard limbs injured) and for vessel injured;

Explanation: Especially difficult injured limbs have an exorbitant need of assistance. The quality of life is impaired in this group of people in an intensified form. By unnatural postures and movement sequences, a special body wear has occurred, with the result very special late night and consequential damages. Constant help and assistance is required, which will increase. This also requires appropriate compensation so that independent living is now and receive in old age, or is possible.

In developing the damage table was not yet known that in many cases also be vascular damage, as veins and arteries run differently often. These types of damage must find a precipitate in the points system.

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Improvements in the specific requirements: annual lump payments possible; there has, however, been shown in the legislative process, that this is part of the government not so intended, but at least a widening of the current catalog, especially on motor vehicles and their conversions, disabled furniture and technical equipment (such as housing Automation Systems), also with disability housing adaptations;

Explanation: In the legislative process, I insisted lump sum pay out the funds available in the amount of 30 million euros annually by the points system. While many politicians agree with me, would the Ministry Approvals by individual cases. I will continue to fight to ensure that we get lump-sum payments. Just that we even small things first first have to deal with the insurance us, is anything but properly notably because thalidomide victims for decades had to make any requests and will have to apply forces to maintain their independent living and expand. Since health insurance rightly should not be relieved of their obligations at the expense of the Foundation, would be a viable option, that the foundation of their übernehmbare cost pays off immediately and then turn later as far as possible take the health insurance in recourse (assignment statements are already in each case issued) .

Secondary but my aim is that at least the service catalog will be extended to things and actions, which are important for those affected. For example, a bicycle (which is accepted) for Affected nice but a disabled conversion of the dwelling (which is not used) important! Disabled furniture, motor vehicles and their modifications, we need also because many living in their own homes it depends. If a Ohnarmerin / Ohnarmer can not go shopping, because she / he does not run without pain, and able to haul bags and no vehicle is available, is very fast self-reliance and independent lives at stake! All disability-related major additional expenses must be capable takeover!

All of this can be seen by the fact that only a fraction of the standing to Vergüng for specific needs funds are exhausted. This was and is not the responsibility of the legislature!


Particular attention to the interests of the hearing impaired and visually impaired;

Explanation: As everywhere, the needs of the hearing impaired and visually impaired to be considered even more intense. Instead of a flat rate to send the part of the Foundation, for example, each Thalidomiders text in simple language, you should go to the specific types of disabilities. For the blind because nothing is done; Deaf / Hard of Hearing hard to take, how eV turned out after a discussion in the thalidomide Network Germany, very often prefer to communicate in sign language, the extent to texts translated into sign language could provide to the homepage of the foundation by means of a video.

Furthermore, it must be checked whether all the needs of those affected to the extent covered by pensions, or for more participation (for example, sign language interpreters, care, companions) would have to be increased.


Survivor's pension: If thalidomide victims are maintained for decades around dieUhr of spouses or children, so must these relatives - as is common even in HIV-help law and Federal Supply Act, a reasonable transition period to be financed;

Explanation: Someone for the (joint) obligations of the State of a thalidomide victim has for decades as a partner has maintained (in), parent or child, may in Todeesfall of thalidomide victim does not "stand in the rain allowed" to be!


Exemption of the heirs of thalidomide victims of any recoveries of social assistance, acc. § 102 SGB XII;

Explanation: It can not be that heirs of thalidomide victims are taken for social benefits in recourse. This must be prohibited by law. See this.:


Acceleration of the process, particularly in revision requests;

Explanation: First of all revision requests take too long. This needs to be accelerated. It should also be established at the Foundation for opposition proceedings a commission in the seat and have also affected voice.



Competence network of doctors and therapists, with the experiences of the medical expert must be harnessed;

Explanation: The shortage of victims in the medical and therapeutic area is well known. Of a structure of a corresponding national competence network for doctors and therapists is to be felt. The victims need in the rarity of their complaints and demands but so far very urgent help. The accumulated by the experts of the medical commission of knowledge is to make available on a network.

It has to stop, that the experts operate in secret and affected the contact is almost cut off: currently the opinion of the experts shall be forwarded to the Chairman of Medicine's Commission, which can be incorporated in its opinion the opposite foundation it then - only with access to the file transfer we learn more details! Few evaluators proceed differently: eg Dr. Graf.

We need a networking not against the person concerned, but for them!


Higher levels of inclusion of thalidomide victims and their affected organizations in the Foundation's work and the specific decision-making processes of the Ministry.

Explanation: The experience shows that a real work for the disabled can not be made without the victims themselves. The slogan of the disability movement: "Nothing without us about us!" originates yes no accident. Even the human rights of participation and the UN Disability Convention include this spirit. The foundation is in this direction already happened a lot, but it is not sufficient:

As example, it is possible that a representatives of affected persons is determined in the Board without having previously listening to the victim and / or the affected organizations?

How can it be that when 5 members of the Board of Trustees include the three ministries representatives at a proposed resolution and the two representatives of affected persons voting "yes," this process "not decided" as is counted?

All this has to stop!

I ask for a deal on an equal footing - all miteiander for those affected!

So I can fight in the Board of Trustees for this, I need your / your support!

We are far, but not there yet - it's about all of our interests !!

Some very important links:

- Thomas Strobl pulled out all the stops - our key visit

(Today moved me this week - finally heart full use without empty phrases!)

- Common interview with the members of the Bundestag Markus Grübel and Christian Stürmer: "It is for us a little revolution"
(Mark Gruebel was standing in the legislative process on the side of thalidomide network - he helped wherever he could - in particular, he made sure we were heard in full)

- Parliament newspaper constitutional complaint

And now a final note:
Although the state again "lid" with the additional benefits of the third Thalidomide Foundation Amendment Act pays to beat the Grünenthal company and its owners, the Wirtz family, in the bushes.

We can and we are not accept. The injured have until now not received a penny pain and suffering. If even the general public for the damage and the behavior of Grünenthal and the Wirtz family comes up, so calls the thalidomide Network Germany eV and among these in particular, of course, I also, of our damage company a reasonable pain and suffering -

Amounts to be the 50th suffering of victims justice!

Vorstellung und Programm von Christian Stürmer als Kandidat für den Stiftungsrat der Conterganstiftung

Weiterlesen: Vorstellung Stiftungsrat - Christian Stürmer

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